

CAMPUS Pre-olympic INSEP

From 4 to 7 July, INSEP and its laboratory Sport, Expertise and Performance (SEP) will be hosting the 28th Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) at the Palais des Congrès in Paris. For the entire international sports science community, this event is a unique opportunity to get together to exchange ideas and work in the city that, a few months later, will see the world's sporting elite performing at the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

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With this in mind, INSEP and the laboratory SEP decided to open their doors for a day of seminars on the themes of elite and Olympic sport.

With one year to go to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, this pre-Olympic campus is a key opportunity to consolidate the high-quality support offered to sports federations.

Registration form : Registration is compulsory and subject to availability.

For more information on the Sport, Expertise and Performance laboratory : https://labos-recherche.insep.fr/fr/laboratoire-sport-expertise-et-performance

For more information on the 28th Congress of the European College of Sport Science : https://sport-science.org/index.php/congress/ecss-paris-2023
