Exploiting knowledge
INSEP develops a variety of tools through its training hub in order to make it easier to exploit and spread the learnings high-performance coaches take from their experience. Having developed a support structure specifically for coaches, the institute has worked out a method of formatting these learnings and professional systems that help them rise to the specific challenges they face, like the Coaches Letter for example. INSEP has also initiated a highly innovative project that uses artificial intelligence to share high-performance training tips. The aim is to encourage conversations and discussions between coaches to improve access to knowledge that enables them to respond to the specific challenges they face.
The HAL-INSEP open archive portal, which is part of the open national archives created by France’s national scientific research centre, the CNRS, gathers together all free-to-access data from scientific and medical research. Authors upload their articles in full, in compliance with copyright laws. The idea of open archives is nowadays seen as an alternative way to spread scientific and technical information by encouraging open discussion between researchers that also leads to highly effective listing on Google and Google scholar. Access the portal at https://hal-insep.archives-ouvertes.fr/ (in French only).