Réseau grand INSEP, Réseau international, Conférence

National Seminar and International Conference "Women and Performance"

It's now official: from November 18 to 20, 2024, a few months after the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games (the first Games in history to achieve near-perfect gender parity between men and women), a national seminar and an international conference on the theme "Women and Performance" will be held at INSEP.

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First, a grand INSEP network seminar will take place at INSEP on November 18, gathering key individuals from the broader INSEP network who work on supporting the performance of elite female athletes: coaches, physical trainers, doctors, physiotherapists, etc.

This seminar will provide an opportunity to discuss common issues faced by grand INSEP network centers, collectively reflect on strategies to be implemented, and highlight best practices identified in the centers. It will particularly echo all the work initiated by the Ministry of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games since 2020 on this topic.

To register : Grand INSEP network seminar

From a national focus, the spotlight will shift to an international one with a conference titled "Women and Performance" on November 19 and 20. This international conference will be held as part of a European project funded by Erasmus+ called Ex-Aequo, led by INSEP in collaboration with various partners, including Australia and Ireland. Like previous international conferences organized by INSEP (physical and mental dimensions), numerous international experts will gather to discuss the specificities and unique characteristics of female athletes and present their work and methods of support implemented for high-level female athletic performance. Several foreign training centers will be represented: the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), Own the Podium, Japan Sport Council, Centre d'Alt Rendiment (CAR) Sant Cugat, etc.

Various topics will be covered: RED-S syndrome, the Empow'her project, stress urinary incontinence, leadership, all discussed through various testimonials, including those from coaches of elite female athletes.

An event not to be missed, which aims to be a major turning point in the specific support offered to high-level female athletes!

The registration fee for the "Women's performance" international conference is €400.
To register : International conference - "Women and Performance" 
For further information, please contact: international@insep.fr